Jewish Life

This year for our Yom Iyun “Torah U’Maddah” conference, we were able to bring in an array of professionals and experts in their fields. A program of this nature was a 'first' at Yavneh and we are grateful to have been able to provide our...

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This year, Yom Ha’atzmaut looked a little different to how it usually does, however that did not stop us from having a meaningful, joyful and fun-filled day celebrating Israel’s independence. Thank you to everyone who made this day possible....

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As women there are many connections we establish over a lifetime. The one connection that is with us always is the connection we have with ourselves. More and more as we get older we learn to appreciate just how important that connection is, because, no...

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Principal’s Message The beginning of Term 2 has been a time of intense activity at Yavneh. The staff have not only maintained the rigour in learning for students in their regular lessons, but they have been committed to providing outstanding learning experiences engaging students with key points in Jewish history, honouring those who have gone before...

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Last weekend was our annual Year 6 Mother-Daughter weekend at Anglesea Valley Lodge. Ahead of a very important Batmitzvah year, over 20 families went away for a beautiful weekend of bonding, laughter, fressing, discussions, drumming, singing, dancing, and ALOT of ruach. There were so...

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Purim at Yavneh college is always such an exciting day. And this year it was no different with costumes galore, Megillah readings, mishloach manot, singing, dancing, and of course, hamentashen. The creche and kinder kids enjoyed a lively carnival of animal farm, bubble games...

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