Yavneh is proud to offer two Jewish education departments that work collaboratively to imbue Jewish skills, knowledge and pride within each Yavneh student and graduate. The overarching Jewish Studies curriculum develops each student’s knowledge and skills, whilst the Jewish Life (JLife) team focuses on the development of their Jewish identity, integrating their Judaic, Zionist and Modern identities.
Our JLife team is comprised of a number dedicated educators who strive to build a sense of pride within each Yavneh student and develop their Religious Zionist identity.
By building this framework throughout their school years, a foundation is established whereby Yavneh students retain a life-long passion,
commitment and dedication for their Judaism.
JLife achieves their mission through an array of extra-curricular events and activities, which include lunch time clubs, Shabbatonim, events centred around the Jewish calendar, and Zionist camps, all of which contribute to an enriched Jewish atmosphere at the College.
In addition, the JLife team encourages students to be active participants both at school and within the wider Jewish community, working collaboratively with our students, youth movements, and community organisations to support Tzedakah and chessed programs and nurture a strong sense of community, derech eretz, and g’milut chessed.
Each year, the JLife team brainstorms a new theme which is embraced by the whole school, from Creche to Year 12, to weave Israel, Zionism, Modern Orthodoxy, Torah and Mitzvot, and Hashem’s presence into the fabric of daily life at the College.
Purim is a pinnacle of joy in the Jewish calendar, and our JLife team brings this experience to the students of Yavneh. We unite as a school and dress up in various costumes which connect to the overarching Purim theme of the year.
Yom Ha’Atzmaut is one of the biggest days in the JLife Calendar. We celebrate our love, dedication, and support for the State of Israel through a Religious Zionist lens by an extended Tefilla with Hallel, followed by a school-wide Tekes.
The annual Zionist Camp series are the highlight of the secondary JLife calendar. The special environment created on camp provides an opportunity for students to connect to Judaism and Israel on deeper level than can be achieved in the classroom.
The Bar and Bat Mitzvah Program occurs over the course of the second semester of Year 6 and the first semester of Year 7. Led by our JLife team, students enjoy a weekly session focused on preparing for the important milestone of becoming a Jewish adult.
The Bat Mitzvah program focuses on influential Jewish women, providing inspirational role models for our girls. Additionally, our girls develop their appreciation for a selection of the mitzvot through creative projects and learning exercises.
The Bar Mitzvah program examines elements of the Jewish bookcase as well as the 13 Principles of Faith outlined by the Rambam. Additionally, it focusses on the mitzvot of tefillin and tzitzit and includes a sofer visit and hands-on activities aimed to develop our boys’ appreciation for these mitzvot.
After turning Bar or Bat Mitzvah, students and their families will join a special Tefillah at school in their honour. Girls will share a Dvar Torah with their cohort and boys will be called to the Torah for an Aliyah. Families bring a small treat for the class to enjoy at the conclusion of the service.
Our dedicated Tzevet (a team of young Shlichim from Israel) bring a strong Israeli flavour to our school and are involved in our Jewish Studies program, Chagim celebrations, Jewish Life initiatives, and Hebrew programs. They also offer our students the chance to sit and learn in our Beit Midrash during recess, lunch breaks and afterschool, creating a thriving place of Torah learning, Jewish culture and Yahadut.
Our Tzevet also run a variety of clubs throughout the school day to enrich each child’s educational experience and bring contemporary Judaism and Israel to life. A standing item in the community calendar is the annual Yom Ha’Zikaron exhibition. The exhibition is one of the most meaningful projects coordinated by our Tzevet.
Each year, our Tzevet works tirelessly to create an authentic Yom Ha’Zikaron experience through the eyes of Israeli soldiers who have lost friends, family and community members in the various tragedies which Israel has faced. The exhibition is open to both Yavneh students and the wider community and each year we are amazed yet again by the moving displays and imagery which bring important personal stories to the forefront of our community’s consciousness.