19 Jul Units of Enquiry – Term 3
Welcome back to Term 3 after what we hope has been a restful, regenerating break. An array of units of inquiry have been planned for term 3 which address many concepts in the areas of Science, History and Geography.
The units often begin with a tuning-in task that engages our students and is aimed at inviting interests and passions to help generate questions that will direct the unit. ‘Prior knowledge, what do we already know’, also informs the planning of the unit and can be achieved by using a variety of thinking tools, drawing and conversation. Below are a couple of examples from our Prep, Year 6 and Year 5.
Stay tuned as the other Year levels share their units through SeeSaw and/or Kesher over the term. Our Year 4s are preparing to share their discoveries of their ‘May the Force Be With You’ unit on July 31 at 7.30. Our Year 5s will share their learning toward the end of term after they have delved into the Eureka Stockade exploring characteristics evident in great leaders and engaging in the analysis of the actions of those who have been instrumental in forging societal change and shaping the history of Victoria and Australia.
Prep: ‘Weather in Our World’
Our Prep children were asked to show, through illustration, what they know or interests them about the weather.

Year 3: Exploring Places Near and Far
In Year 3, the children will be exploring the land in which they live, Australia, in our unit entitled “We Come from a Land Down Under”. Students will have the opportunity to investigate Australia’s states and territories and its natural and man-made landmarks, varying climates, population and Aboriginal history. We will tune into our inquiry by taking a “chalk walk”, looking at pictures of varied Australian attractions, having conversations and asking questions about what we already know, what we want to know through written conversation.
Year 2: Push and Pull
Year 2s were very excited to begin their new Unit of Inquiry.

It is a science unit that asks students to consider how forces are at work in everything we do. Our initial activity asked students to observe and discuss in groups how these forces act in air and water, and on the ground when playing with common toys such as marbles, cars, balls, rubber ducks, spinning tops. How do they move? What are some of the words we use to describe those movements? What force is in play to make these toys move?
Year 6 and our ‘Our Changing Planet’, will explore our energy needs and the challenges our world is facing in ensuring the safety and sustainability of our planet. Year 6 used a KWH chart to collate prior knowledge:

- Electricity is all through your body
- Connecting wires completes a circuit
- Fossil fuels affect out climate
Want to Know
- Who discovered energy?
- How does electricity travel?
- How are batteries made?
- How do windmills provide energy?
- Can the moon provide energy?
- Examine a battery
- Ask Caleb’s dad who sells solar panels
- Research and experiment
- Use EV35 to test prototypes
Year 5 – The Gold Rush Period
Year 5 will be investigating the Victorian Gold Rush period and its impact on society. Their tuning in task involves a day at Sovereign Hill, visiting the historic Shule along the way.
This very large gold nugget was used to ‘hook’ our students in and spark their interest in our new unit of Inquiry. Children were asked to share their understanding of gold as a valuable metal.

Gold is hard to find because it can only be found in specific places, for example, it would be much easier to find gold in Ballarat than it would be to find at school.
Article by Yianna Pullen – Head of Primary – General Studies