Shoshi Vorchheimer

Shoshi Vorchheimer

Director of Teaching and Learning

Shoshi has four children, ranging from 9 years to 21 years of age. She has been in the educational field for 21 years and has worked with students from Grade 1 to Year 12 in teaching and leadership roles. Shoshi is driven to raising student achievement and the quality of teaching and learning across the College, to build a learning community committed to the learning and growth of students. Led by data and research- based practice, Shoshi promotes the explicit teaching of 21st century skills and dispositions of learning to empower students to become curious and critical thinkers. Shoshi believes that we can reshape our learning environments to develop a culture of thinking that serves our students’ future success in a world that is constantly evolving. Shoshi aims to develop a culture of learning at LYC that creates graduates who are individuals of fine character, compassionate and responsible citizens of Australia and the world and life- long learners