12 Mar Yavneh school captains share their hopes and dreams for the future.
On March 22, Leader Community News, asked every Year 12 school captain in Melbourne: ‘What difference can your generation make to the world?’
Below is the the insightful words of Yavneh school captains, Dahlia Paneth and Akiva Franks. They show hope, optimism and a real desire to make a difference.
As repetitive, laborious work is being automated and computerised, our generation is shifting towards careers driven by passion and fulfilment.
Jobs are evolving so rapidly that its likely that the jobs our generation will be working don’t even exist yet.
This evolution is spurred by increased interest and pursuit of fields such as medicine and engineering.
With greater investment in these fields, technology and medicine are progressing at exponential rates.
Diseases previously incurable will be cured and current cures will become cheaper and therefore more accessible.
As our generation continues to develop these important fields, creating new innovations and making present resources more accessible, every person in the entire world will be granted a greater quality of life.
We are taught in Jewish tradition, the concept of “Tikkun Olam,” the reparation of the world and it is a value that we hold dear, to improve the world for those alive today and for those that will be here in the future.