
Primary School

Our Solid Foundations

In our primary school, your child will build strong skills in numeracy and literacy, while developing a love for Yahadut and Tziyonut. Just as importantly, your child’s wellbeing and sense of belonging will be warmly nurtured by our team of caring educators and close-knit community.

Our Primary School

Yavneh students are compassionate young people imbued with integrity and compassion.

At Yavneh, we are inspired by our commitment to Hashem; to the Torah, its values and mitzvot; to academic pursuits; and to community. Your child will build strong foundations in Numeracy, Literacy and Jewish Studies, while developing a love for Yahadut and Tziyonut. Just as importantly, your child’s wellbeing will be warmly nurtured by our team of caring educators.

Each child is an individual in ability and maturity. At Yavneh, we value educating the whole child, nurturing their spiritual, intellectual, physical, social and emotional wellbeing.

We are proud of our warm and engaging learning environment, and we look forward to partnering with you throughout your child’s educational journey.

Fostering compassionate
children who live with integrity
Instilling a love for
Yahadut and Tziyonut
Focussing on a holistic
educational approach

General Studies Curriculum

A well-rounded generalist education

The Primary School curriculum is underpinned by a culture that empowers students to be active participants in their learning. Students are exposed to explicit teaching and the Primary School uses the Australian Curriculum as the basis for curriculum planning.

Our curriculum ensures a well-rounded generalist education and curriculum areas include; Mathematics, Sciences, Humanities, Digital Technologies, Personal, Social and Physical Education, as well as the Arts.

Some highlights of our Primary School General Studies Curriculum include:

Initialit program

Initialit is an evidence-based literacy program that runs over the first three years of school (Prep-Year 2). It gives students the foundations to become successful readers and writers.


This evidence-based reading and comprehension program helps Year 3 to 6 students become critical, confident readers. Children can then use this knowledge to deepen their understandings of all texts, including Jewish texts.


This evidence-based program teaches students strategies to achieve mathematical success. It helps Year 2 to 6 students build on their conceptual understanding and computational fluency.

The Writing Revolution (TWR)

TWR is an evidence-based program that teaches writing intentionally and sequentially. This program runs from Prep to Year 12 and as students progress, the writing skills are embedded across the key subject areas to link reading, writing and thinking.

Year 6 Leadership Program

Our student leadership model is inclusive and educational. Year 6 students choose to participate in the year long program which aims to upskill students through experience and knowledge building. Students work with their facilitator in one of four portfolios, namely Sport and School Spirit, Environment, Jewish Life and Assemblies.


Restorative Practice 2.0 is a whole school program which was introduced at the start of 2023. Our staff are committed to cultivating a supportive environment for wellbeing and learning & being a genuine RP2.0 School means a shift in mindset of how we work with our students. Our focus is on language, conduct and mindset.

Jewish Studies Curriculum

An integrated Jewish Studies curriculum

In the Primary School, we build on the foundation established in the ELC by maintaining an environment that encourages a love of Torah and Mitzvot, devotion to Hashem, and a love for Israel and learning Hebrew.

At Yavneh, we appreciate the impact of hands-on learning in creating deep memories and lifelong passion.

By making the study of Hebrew and Judaism relevant to the students’ everyday lives, they develop a true appreciation of their heritage and understand the need for continued, lifelong Jewish study.

Tefillah (Prayer)

Each morning begins with Tefilla. From the moment they receive their very first siddur in a special Prep siddur Party, students develop literacy in navigating the siddur, fluency in reading the daily Tefillot, as well as those of Rosh Chodesh and the Chagim.

Kriya (Reading)

Our unique Kriya curriculum guides students step-by-step in learning to read each letter and vowel of Lashon Hakodesh. Student develops skills in accordance with their abilities, starting from learning to blend each letter with a vowel and then move on to blending multi syllable words.

Hebrew Literacy

Students develop their Hebrew skills in a gradual, spiral process, building new concepts and language skills atop an expanding foundation of knowledge. Our children are exposed to the Hebrew language through experiential learning which includes songs, games and art activities that develop both their vocabulary and grammatical knowledge. Each lesson focuses on distinct skills.

Yedia Kali (General Knowledge)

Our Torah Enrichment program which runs from Prep to Year 6 is rich in content, rigorous in developing important skills and inspired by the values and lessons that are a fundamental part of Judaism. The spiral curriculum continues as we progress through primary school to include aspects of Jewish and Israel History. The program aims to provide a higher level of Jewish Orthodox education including grammar and textual skills enhancing the students study of Torah.

Eretz Yisrael (Land of Israel)

One of the most important outcomes of our Jewish Studies curriculum is to bolster the connection of our students to Eretz Yisrael. We incorporate various activities in which students are encouraged to explore, extend and enhance their connection and knowledge about Israel. Our students prepare for Chagim by exploring the themes and historical events behind them – to help see their contemporary and personal relevance. The miracle of the Modern State is a central focus of our learning.


From the moment our students receive their first Chumash Bereshit in Grade 1, they start to develop a love for the study of Torah. We use the L’havin U’lehaskil program, a Hebrew language-skills based Judaic curriculum approach in which children learn to decode Torah verses on their own. Our goal is that by the time they graduate from Year 6, Yavneh students are comfortable reading and understanding the Chumash and with reading biblical language in general.

Extracurricular Offerings

Our co-curricular offerings have something for everyone!

Sport lovers

If your child has a love of sport, they will enjoy our intraschool round robins, interschool sport sessions, cross country, athletics carnivals, sport lessons and intensive swimming week.

Music enthusiasts

We offer classroom music and performing arts, including primary choir, chamber ensemble, primary stage band, bi-annual music concerts and private instrumental music lessons.

Special interest clubs

Yavneh has a range of lunch clubs including Mischakim, OManut, Primary Choir, Chess, Brick Me and Musical Kabbalat Shabbat.

Jewish Life

Our dynamic JLife team focuses on the development of Jewish identity and offers an array of extra-curricular events and activities, ranging from lunchtime clubs to Rosh Chodesh carnivals, Shabbatonim and Zionist camps, all of which contribute to an enriched Jewish atmosphere at the College.


In 2023, we introduced an afterschool Robotics program in partnership with Kids Unlimited. This hands-on program offers an engaging introduction into the world of robotics and a great way to develop interest in maths, science and engineering.