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By Dina Zaitman Melbourne United is an Australian professional basketball team based in Melbourne, Victoria who play in the NBL (Australian professional basketball league), and are ranked as one of the top leagues in the world.  Melbourne United play against other professional basketball teams in Australia and New Zealand. They...

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Welcome back to Term 3 after what we hope has been a restful, regenerating break. An array of units of inquiry have been planned for term 3 which address many concepts in the areas of Science, History and Geography. ...

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👉 Please help support the nurturing and learning of the next generation of Yavneh students and donate here: Your gift changes everything. The Vision Research based evidence clearly suggests that the learning environment plays a major role in facilitating teaching and learning. ...

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Principal’s Message The beginning of Term 2 has been a time of intense activity at Yavneh. The staff have not only maintained the rigour in learning for students in their regular lessons, but they have been committed to providing outstanding learning experiences engaging students with key points in Jewish history, honouring those who have gone before...

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By Rabbi Chaim Cowen Each week at Yavneh, some 71 students rise early to daven at our Hashkama minyan so that they can attend extra lessons of Gemara before the teaching day formally commences. These students are not necessarily our academic elites, rather they are distinguished by their motivation....

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Welcome to our New College Chairs, Gerard Max and Ari Schachna. On behalf of Leibler Yavneh College we would like extend our congratulations to Gerard Max and Ari Schachna for being elected to the role of Co-Chairs of the Leibler Yavneh College Executive. Gerard has two children...

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Last weekend was our annual Year 6 Mother-Daughter weekend at Anglesea Valley Lodge. Ahead of a very important Batmitzvah year, over 20 families went away for a beautiful weekend of bonding, laughter, fressing, discussions, drumming, singing, dancing, and ALOT of ruach. There were so...

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A personal reflection on the Christchurch tragedy. Listening to and reading about the tragic events that occurred in Christchurch last week and the Masterclass of Leadership executed with such compassion and humility by New Zealand’s young Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has restored my view of humanity...

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In our Yeda Klali unit this term, Year 5 has been reviewing the topic of brachot. In addition to our work in class, the students have been working in groups across the year level to create their own interactive brachot games which they will be playing with the Prep students...

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Purim at Yavneh college is always such an exciting day. And this year it was no different with costumes galore, Megillah readings, mishloach manot, singing, dancing, and of course, hamentashen. The creche and kinder kids enjoyed a lively carnival of animal farm, bubble games...

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