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Michelle Zimmerman, in her book Teaching AI: Exploring New Frontiers for Learning poses compelling questions about human intelligence and its relationship with artificial intelligence.  “What is human intelligence? Is it based on an IQ score? Is it the ability to apply learning? Is it the...

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While our centre was closed during the Summer break, our Kinder spaces went through a transformation. Not only did we fix the roof, but all 4 of our Kinder rooms went through a complete refurbishment – creating purpose built indoor environments that support the learning,...

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Welcome back for 2024! Our staff are ready and energised to embark on a year full of learning, friendship and ruach! We can't wait to see you all back at school next week. Many members of staff have been very busy over the summer holiday break....

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As the year draws to a close, we reflect on what has been a year of achievement at Yavneh and a year of challenge for our people. Through our grief, we have been comforted and heartened by the way in which the Yavneh family has responded...

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It is odd how I have missed things that are right in front of me. It is also disturbing how the events of the past seem to reappear when you think they could never happen again. I will explain. I have been saying the Amida, the...

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If there is one ‘key’ that unlocks everything Jewish, it is  the Aleph Bet. These holy letters, used by G-d to create the world, are used by us, via their various combinations and permutations to study Torah, daven and access the wisdom of Jewish scholarship....

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As the Head of the Hebrew department, I would like to address the unique and significant experience of teaching Hebrew during a time of conflict in Israel. Our language, rich in history and culture, takes on added significance in these moments, offering us a beacon...

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Every day in creche we are building your children’s foundations in order   to prepare them for their future. How you may ask? Well, by getting their career goals on track to be future members of the community. Over the last few weeks, we have been...

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