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We celebrated our special class of 2024 תשפ"ה at their Graduation Ceremony on this past Sunday at Kingston Town Hall. Parents, family members, staff and friends came together to celebrate at a ceremony that showcased this unique and united Year 12 class. After Tehillim for...

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The last few weeks of school have seen a whirlwind of kedusha ensconce Yavneh. Simultaneous with an impactful visit by our scholar in residence, Rabbi Professor Sam Lebens, we have experienced a meaningful Tisha B’av with impactful programs for students, farewelled our Tzevet, and hosted...

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Together with Avigail Wonder, I have recently attended a conference in Israel focussed on deepening spirituality within schools. Spirituality is multifaceted and, in the should not be limited to the realm of bein adam lemakom (deeds that are between us and HaShem). Rather, spirituality is...

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Upon finishing a Mesechet of Gemara we read the text of the “hadran”. It contains all sorts of peculiarities, one of which is the listing of the names of the ten sons of the Amora and business magnate, Rav Pappa. It is an enigmatic tongue-twister...

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We are a very lucky people. At times like these, it is quite easy to fall into despair – we are living through a time of war in Israel and, all over the world, those that dislike us are feeling emboldened. However, if we look at...

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Being a principal means that I have many children. Four of my own, and another 680 at school. For each and every one of my many children here at Yavneh I am invested in their educational success, physical and mental health and spiritual well-being. As our...

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I [was recently] in Tel Aviv on an Educator’s tour to see and hear from people in Israel post Oct 7 and to help inform Israel teaching in a time of trauma. After hearing a session about the music of the war (which would have...

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The current climate for the Jewish people around the world, 6 months on from the atrocities committed on October 7th by Hamas, has left us with a sense of confusion, concern and isolation. Who could have possibly anticipated that the State of Israel could be...

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You may notice that on all our Yavneh publications there is a footnote that details that Yavneh is a part of the Mizrachi Organisation. This week I thought I would spend some time sharing with you the Mizrachi story, how Yavneh came to be and...

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We are so excited to be celebrating Purim this Sunday and we are looking forward to seeing you at our Yavneh carnival! Purim is the day we celebrate victory over oppression, when ‘they tried to destroy us, we survived, let’s eat!’ This year, and not ‘depending...

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