02 Dec Graduation 2024
We celebrated our special class of 2024 תשפ”ה at their Graduation Ceremony on this past Sunday at Kingston Town Hall. Parents, family members, staff and friends came together to celebrate at a ceremony that showcased this unique and united Year 12 class. After Tehillim for Eretz Yisrael, Social Action Captains Ryan Sweidan and Natalie Israel recited the Tefillah L’Shlom Hemedinah. Jewish Life and Zionism Captains Livia Alford and JJ Balter delivered the Dvar Torah. Their words tied in the lessons learned from our forefathers Yitzchak and Yaakov Avinu who lived their lives in sync with their fathers and yet forged new independent and individual paths. The students overlayed this message on their graduation day – citing that the Torah and Yiddishkeit they lived at Yavneh will accompany them on the graduates’ individual paths through life. Rav Kimche, Senior Rabbi of Mizrachi addressed the graduates in a moving Dvar Torah as well.
College Captains Yehuda Moss and Lani Salomonovitch took the audience on a journey down memory lane, recalling their fondest memories of school and their gratitude to Yavneh. Morah Shula’s address she spoke of how proud the staff and student body are of such a resilient, united and diverse group of students VCE24 are and how hard they worked during their final year of school.
Yavneh parent and volunteer extraordinaire, Hayley Jaffe, delivered the parent address. She compared her own Jewish experience of growing up in South Africa to that of the Yavneh education that her children had. She gave over meaningful messages to the graduating class about their lives beyond school walls.
The audience enjoyed a delightful video montage of the VCE graduating class over their school years. The Graduation Band did a marvellous job performing ‘Yesh Li Tzipor Ktana Balev’ (Yigal Bashan) and ‘Now and Then’ (The Beatles).
As each student was called to accept their graduating certificates, Director of Teaching and Learning Shoshi Vorchheimer and Head of Secondary Avigail Wonder shared reflections from the teaching staff about the student, celebrating the students’ unique talents and attributes. The College Vice-Captains Milly Bell and Jake Hendler delivered an emotional farewell speech, thanking all of those – both at school and at home – who supported the graduates to this momentous day.
The joy and sense of celebration was palpable as the graduates descended the stairs of the stage to greet their guests.
The celebrations continued that evening at the beautifully decorated Graduation Dinner held in the Lamm Hall for the graduates, their parents and Year 12 teachers. Speeches were delivered, sharing the humour, deep lessons and appreciation that the graduates have for their teachers and the school. Each teacher was thanked individually by students in their class. Ms. Prue McLeod – Head of Year 12 delivered a beautiful address to the graduates after their year together. Morah Shula delivered the toast to the school and Masters of Ceremony Cayla Jacobs, Tayer Dembo and Jake Hendler delivered some hilarious takes on school life.
The highlight of the evening however was the most exuberant and joyous dancing as parents, students and staff joined together to dance for the joy of these new graduates. As the music played and Israeli flags were brought onto the dance-floor, it was clear that each person felt that ‘Am Yisrael Chai’ – with these new Yavneh graduates – the future of Am Yisrael is truly alive! The evening concluded with a soulful tisch as we gathered to sing Vehi She’amda and Acheinu.
Huge thanks go to Prue McLeod, David Fisher, Rivka Measey, Nick Karasavvidis, Colleen Shortland, Gilad J for helping to set up and prepare the graduation ceremony and dinner.
As I drove home from the evening, my feelings were bittersweet – sad to see our Year 12s go but even moreso, so proud of our graduates and so proud of how Yavneh has been instrumental in imbuing our students with Jewish pride, knowledge and observance, inspiration and support.
To our graduates, may Hashem bless you on your journeys, shine His grace upon you and protect you always. And please do come back and visit us very soon!!!
Our Yavneh family has so much to be proud of – עם ישראל חי! עוד אבינו חי!