16 Oct Combating Darkness with Light by Rabbi Chaim Cowen
The feeling of unity with the plight of Am Yisrael has been palpable at Yavneh this week. The heaviness we are all experiencing in the face of the horrors in Israel which could have easily resulted in paralysis and despair, has instead spurred action and a spate of initiatives. These initiatives, which are listed below have come from all aspects of the school – students, primary and secondary staff and our Jewish Life team. They reflect the indomitable spirit of our people, who have been gifted the ability to change the course of world events through the power of Torah, Tefilla, Tzedaka and through resolving to strengthen our observance of Mitzvot.
- Davening at Yavneh has become more focussed and intense. Students select the name of a soldier as they walk into tefilla and direct their tefillot to the safety and wellbeing of that holy individual.
- A daily Kenes Tefilla sees all our secondary students gather for 15 minutes after davening to say Tehillim all together, praying for the welfare of those in captivity, those wounded and those whose safety is in jeopardy.
- The whole sefer Tehillim is being said daily by a group of over 40 students and staff who have each taken on themselves to say a selection of its 150 perakim.
- Every Jewish studies lesson in secondary commences with the reciting of Tehillim and the dedicating of the Torah learning to the safety and wellbeing of Am Yisrael in Eretz Yisrael as well as to the merit of those who have been murdered. In primary, Tehillim is being recited daily with the classroom teacher.
- Tzitzit for Tzahal: students have taken on to strengthen in the mitzva of tzitzit, with a generous donor sponsoring 50% of the cost of a new pair of tzitzit for any student who commits to taking on this mitzvah more consistently.
- Primary classes have begun taking home Tehillim for their kriyah practice, with the focus of it being said in the merit of those at war.
- Students are being encouraged to bring in Tzedaka each day and it is being collected and directed towards organisations that are assisting with the war effort and supporting those who have been displaced or wounded.
- Students are taking on the observance of new Mitzvot in the merit of soldiers, and writing these on cards which are being made into a mural that is being prominently displayed in the College.
- Students are writing cards and taking pictures with messages that are aimed to strengthen the spirit of our soldiers who are going out to war.
- Tzedaka fundraising campaigns are currently being devised by our school captains and the Jewish Life team.
- We are mounting a Neirot Shabbat campaign encouraging those who don’t yet light shabbat candles to do so in the merit of the soldiers and the healing of Am Yisrael. Candles will be handed to out to students and parents this Friday with a guide for their lighting.
It is impossible to capture all the initiatives here, as baruch hashem so many teachers and students are doing everything they can to promote torah, tefilla, tzedakah and general shemirat hamitzvot – with a focus on ahavat Yisrael in response to the situation in Israel. May the spiritual light generated at Yavneh pierce the darkness and bring the full ge’ulah to Israel and the world.
Besurot Tovot,