06 Dec Welcome 2020 Junior Captains
Posted at 14:29h
in Yavneh News
The process of choosing Captains is always challenging as we believe every child has leadership potential. The 2020 group were selected because they are already consistently demonstrating the Yavneh leadership qualities, which are:
- Be of fine character and imbued with integrity and compassion,
- Uphold the ethos and values of Leibler Yavneh College,
- Uphold College expectations and model this in my own behaviour,
- Pursue excellence in learning and strive to achieve my potential
- Commitment to my communal and personal responsibilities.
- Comply with all College rules
We are very proud to introduce you to our Junior School 2020 School Captains:
- School Captains: Amity Paluch and Asher Goldman
- Vice Captains: Emilie Bierenkrant and Eli Smolarski
We are also very proud to introduce our Junior School 2020 House Captains:
- Rosh Tsurim: Havah Rotblat, Brody Jankelowitz
- Magshamim: Maya Goldschlager, Saul Kupshik
- Ofrah: Meirav Fell, Gideon Tempelhof
- Efrat: Noa Kowadlo, Aviya Sherwinter
We wish our 2020 Captains every success and look forward to working with them and to our community benefiting from their contributions.
We would also like to thank our 2019 Captains for their contributions to our school community this year. They have set a great example for our 2020 Captains to follow. Mazel Tov and Kol Ha Kavod to you all.
More photos can be found here: