08 Apr Welcome to our New College Chairs
Welcome to our New College Chairs, Gerard Max and Ari Schachna.
On behalf of Leibler Yavneh College we would like extend our congratulations to Gerard Max and Ari Schachna for being elected to the role of Co-Chairs of the Leibler Yavneh College Executive.
Gerard has two children currently at Yavneh in Years 6 and 11, with his eldest son having graduated from the College in 2017. Gerard is a Managing Partner at his own integrated media agency.
Ari’s three children are at Yavneh in Years 3, 6 and 7 and he is a partner in a commercial law firm in the CBD. Ari has been named in Best Lawyers™ Australia for Commercial Law.
Both Gerard and Ari bring an extensive set of skills and experiences to our College’s governance. They are passionate advocates of a Yavneh education and we look forward to working closely with Gerard and Ari in serving our College community.
A special thank you to Avi Gilboa for his outstanding service as Chair of the Executive for the past six and a half years. Avi has been a Board member since 2008 and is a parent of two current Yavneh students.
We wish Gerard and Ari Hatzlacha Rabba and much success in their new position.