Les Miserables [School Edition] by David Fisher – Head of Administration

Les Miserables [School Edition] by David Fisher – Head of Administration

Leibler Yavneh College’s musical, Les Misérables, featuring Eli Faraday, Adam Geller, Shira Etzion, Sami Chait, Livia Alford, Osha Rubenstein Slesenger and Noah Goldenberg in lead roles, was a mesmerizing production that left the audience captivated and spellbound. It is hard to find the words to capture the incredible performances. You simply had to be there to experience our students’ ability, their dedication to their roles and the stunning performances of all the cast members. This is a musical to remember, one that has set the bar so very high. If you haven’t seen it yet, I encourage you to go on Sunday. There are some seats available, and all seats have a wonderful view of the performance.

The musical, based on Victor Hugo’s classic novel, tells the story of Jean Valjean, a former prisoner who seeks redemption in a world plagued by poverty, injustice, and political turmoil. Our students have done an outstanding job of bringing this story to life with their impeccable acting skills, incredible musical talent, and phenomenal stage presence.

One of the standout moments of the show was the iconic song “One Day More,” which was performed by the Full Cast with impressive energy and motion. The musical of course, would not be possible without the production team. Leading the team was our very own musical maestro, Katie Weston and her “partner in crime”, the very talented Michi Swersky. These two superstars work tirelessly with our students to bring out the best in each one of them. In these roles, Michi and Katie not only manage everything from casting, musicians, set, costumes, choreography, inevitable cast tears and the myriad of challenges that arise in a grand production of this size, but more importantly, they are the rock, the incredible individuals that our students trust and love. Their work commenced early last year and will only conclude long after the finals bars of “Do you hear the people sing” when the 40’ container is packed and sent back to Brunswick! A thank you seems so lacking, but we are so grateful for your efforts and your dedication.

We must also thank Jack Hollander our amazing voice coach and keyboard extraordinaire, Ellie Goldenberg, Assistant Director, Katie Roose, Stage Manager and the many musicians, tech staff and back-stage crew who made this musical a sell out success. We are indebted to the team at Caulfield Grammar School, especially Connor Bannister who so graciously hosted us over the past week. One of the many benefits of our arts and musical program at the College is the ability for a venture like this to deepen friendships across multiple year levels. How beautiful it is to see students supporting one another with this challenging and intense performance. Each year we are so excited to see students who have never shared their vocal and acting abilities, indeed some of the shyest students find their inner strength in performing, no doubt, due to the efforts of Katie and Michi. Of course, the musical is an incredible experience, however, it is also a core learning opportunity as well. Students learn to collaborate, to push their own boundaries, and along the way, they gain resilience and inner strength.

To the entire musical cast and crew, we say, thank you, we are so proud of you, we all stand taller sharing in your glory for a absolutely extraordinary fabulous performance of Les Misérables. The hundred of so students who have dedicated countless hours over many months, will never forget this moment, this musical, this performance, and neither will we. In the words of the cast, One day to a new beginning , Raise the flag of freedom high! here’s a new world for the winning, There’s a new world to be won. Do you hear the people sing?

We hear you and are so proud of each and every one of you.