11 Dec VCE Results & Reflecting Back on 2023
As the year draws to a close, we reflect on what has been a year of achievement at Yavneh and a year of challenge for our people.
Through our grief, we have been comforted and heartened by the way in which the Yavneh family has responded to the horrific events of Simchat Torah. Our students have taken on more mitzvot, said Tehillim and raised money for Israel. We held a siyum for Seder Moed for the Shloshim of the 1200 kedoshim, with the entire Seder learned and summarised by 88 High School students. The ‘Israel Day’ raised close to $16,000 for Emunah and we thank Emunah, the YPO, teacher and parent volunteers for making this day such a success. Our daily Kenes Tefillah, which included prayers for the chayalim, the wounded and the hostages continued throughout Term Four. And even during exams, students participated and davened with sincerity, deepening their feeling and connection to Medinat and Am Yisrael. May Hashem protect the IDF and bring strength and peace to all of Am Yisrael.
This year our theme has been ‘Olam Chessed Yibaneh” – “(we) will build a world of kindness.” In bringing this theme to life, we have focussed on positive, restorative relationships between students and between staff and students with our Real Schools program. Students have been given information, support and encouragement to volunteer their time to community service outside of school hours. Record numbers of students have signed up for weekly volunteering at Friendship Circle, we have run Kabbalat Shabbat at Emmy Monash, and Flying Fox has been inundated with applications from Yavneh graduates to be madrichim at their upcoming summer camp. Just last week, Yavneh students ran a Chanukah party at Emmy Monash, bringing light and joy to all. We are so proud that our students are doing their part in making this world better, kinder and more inclusive.
While it feels like a distant memory now, the year commenced with our brilliant musical, in which over 75 students participated – one of the biggest musicals Yavneh has ever produced! There were no ‘empty chairs and empty tables’ as the catchy and haunting songs of Les Misérables were performed to perfection. We can still ‘hear the people sing’ and are immensely proud that two of our students were nominated for Guild Awards and that the production and ensemble received high commendation from the Music Theatre Guild of Victoria. We can’t wait to ‘Let it Go’ in Frozen 2024!
And we are finishing off an exceedingly successful academic year with outstanding VCE results!
Mazel Tov to our Dux of School, Raphael Menahem.
We congratulate each and every student, their parents and dedicated teachers on their excellent VCE results.
22% of students with an ATAR of 94 and above
49% of students with an ATAR of 90 and above
81% of students with an ATAR of 80 and above
With a median study score of 36 and over 23% of all study scores over 40, Leibler Yavneh College ranked 18th in the State.
These results were achieved while simultaneously engaging in a rigorous Jewish studies program.
We are so proud of all of graduates!
Yavneh students are not defined by their ATAR. Our Class of 2023 will be remembered for their strong friendships, menschlechkeit and their deep passion for Judaism and Israel. The final Year 12 assembly was a moving demonstration of this. Almost 70% of our graduates will continue their Jewish learning in Israel next year and 100% of our graduates are committed to continuing to lead meaningful and connected Jewish lives. We can’t wait to see how they positively impact our community and our people.
As a Yavneh parent, I take this opportunity to thank our hard working, devoted teachers and staff. Our children have been loved and nurtured, educated and inspired by our dedicated teachers and support staff. We appreciate all that they do for Yavneh and for our children.
We wish our students and Yavneh families a Chanukah Sameach and a safe and relaxing break. For those staying in Melbourne over the summer, I would encourage us to organise and conduct whole class activities. Please consider including incoming students who are set to start their Yavneh journey in 2024. It is these touch points over the summer that will strengthen the bonds of the Yavneh family as we continue to ‘build a world of kindness’ for us all.
Chanukah Sameach,
Shula Lazar, Principal